NDIS Funded Hypnotherapy

NDIS for Hypnotherapy

NDIS for Hypnotherapy

Are you an NDIS participant who is looking for support in overcoming your mental health challenges? Perhaps you are looking for strategies to enhance daily functioning, develop your capacity, and have more confidence participating in social and community activities.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or the NDIS, offers funding for therapies that can help people with disabilities achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. Hypnotherapy is one such therapy that can be funded by the NDIS.  Although we are not a NDIS registered provider, you are welcome to claim NDIS funding if you are either self managed or plan managed.

Using hypnosis combined with other modalities effectively addresses the root cause of issues, rather than just focusing on the presenting issues provides results that are long lasting and life changing.  Hypnotherapy can assist you in achieving your goals and leading the life you deserve, despite your disability, from behavioural and habit issues to pain management and stress, lets talk about your challenges and goals.

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I Heart NDIS
an NDIS participant and an NDIS service provider


The NDIS Capacity Building Supports are aimed to help people with disabilities obtain the knowledge and skills they need to gain independence, engage in society, and accomplish their goals in life.

Focused on the development of each individual, the NDIS Capacity Building Supports seek to achieve specific goals that include:

  • Improving mental health
  • Increasing social & community participation
  • Successfully managing difficult emotions
  • Effectively managing behaviour in socially acceptable ways
  • Improving health and well-being
  • Making daily living easier

At Inspired Mindset, our goal is to work with you to achieve the same objectives. We use a variety of techniques, concepts, counselling, life coaching, cognitive training, and advanced hypnotherapy to help improve your response and decisions towards life’s challenges. 

Through the assistance of the NDIS Capacity Building Supports, you can access hypnotherapy services designed to improve your relationships, communication, psychosocial participation and your overall quality of life.

During our sessions, I can help with:

  • ​​Addiction (habit control)
  • Anxiety
  • Confidence
  • Depression
  • Insomnia​​​ And Sleep issues
  • ​Bruxism
  • PTSD
  • Stress Management
  • Weight Loss
  • Trauma​​
  • Stop Smoking
  • Fear of Open Spaces​​
  • Fear of Flying

Hypnotherapy can assist you in achieving your goals and leading the life you deserve, despite your disability, from conquering anxiety and PTSD to altering habits and behaviours that limit your capacity for social engagement in the community.

Let's Talk


Our clinic is located in Canberra but we can also provide hypnotherapy sessions online for clients living anywhere in Australia. If you are an NDIS participant, you may access our services through the NDIS Telehealth.

Depending on the type and severity of your condition, you may need to book a discovery call first so I can can conduct a careful assessment of your current health before we devise the right therapy plan suited to your needs and objectives.

Generally speaking, a few sessions may be sufficient for short-term issues. However, conditions that are more persistent or complicated may require several sessions.

Book a Discovery Call

What Our Clients Say

Ready to take the first step to an improved quality of life?

Let Inspired Mindset provide you with the right type of hypnotherapy to improve your overall mental health and wellbeing. Book a complimentary chat to discover your road to living a happier and more fulfilling life.

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mindset life coaching with Craig
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